Editorial work

Pearson publishes higher education material and Amanda worked on a list of books related to Management and Organizational Behavior. Two of her top books were Management: An Interactive Approach, 1st Edition by Kelly Mollica and Nicole Coomber, and Organizational Behavior: Developing Skills for Managers, 1st edition by Eric Lamm and Jennifer Tosti-Kharas.

Amanda worked extensively with the authors of these books, amongst other authors and books, to prepare them for publication. Editorial support included copyediting, copywriting, table of contents organization, keeping the project on track to meet deadlines, processing change requests, editorial research, and running focus groups.

For the focus groups, Amanda researched and invited people at Universities with purchasing decisions, such as professors, directors of programs, and deans. She organized questions to ask the focus group, collected their answers, analyzed the responses, and fed back to the authors the results. She also suggested changes to the book based on focus group feedback.


Skills applied:
Editing, copyediting, copywriting, client management

Shortlist of books

