Business Reports

When Amanda noticed a pattern of a certain type of reputational issue, she created a business report on it. This business report outlined the issue at hand, and proposed changes the company could make to prevent the reputational issues from happening further.

Business reports were read by senior and executive leadership and covered the following; background to the problem, how it was causing reputational damage, an example of the issue, the current processes, and the proposed solutions.

The business report was reviewed by senior and executive leadership teams, and discussed internally about how to implement the proposed changes.

Taylor & Francis

Skills applied:
Writing, business analysis, data analysis

Business Reports Example

This business report was drafted by Amanda, with edits and approval by senior leadership. To download the full business report writing sample, please contact Amanda for the password to view the PDF.

This file is for a writing example purpose only. Please do not download, share or distribute its contents. Thank you.


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